Annual Conference Year Two
New roles and competences for teachers and school leaders in the digital age
Friday, 24 September 2021
Live stream link for plenary sessions:
8.30-9.00 Registration and getting together
9.00-10.00 Opening plenary session
Opening by Chris Hill, President of ESHA and Prof. Miquel Angel Essomba of UAB
Opening addresses by
Michael Teutsch, Head of Unit Schools and Multilingualism, European Commission DG EAC
Joan Cuevas, Director General on Innovation, Research and Digital Culture, Department of Education, Generalitat de Catalunya
Highlights of EEPN second year desk research reports – Eszter Salamon, ESHA
Presentation of EEPN recommendations on new roles and competences for teachers and school leaders in the digital age – Ágnes Román, ETUCE
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-11.30 Keynote session
Digital competence and the role of school heads: when innovation, digitalisation and research meet – Keynote speech by Dr. Mar Camacho
TED Talk on Digital with Purpose – Kaoru Inoue, GeSI
11.45-13.30 Workshop discussions
13.30-14-30 Lunch
14.30-15.30 Workshops continued
Conference participants discuss their examples, analyse and give feedback on the recommendations in smaller groups facilitated by EEPN leadership team members. The discussion focuses on both the recommendations and how to implement them in various EU member countries on the national, local and school level.
15.45-16.30 Discussing workshop results
Presentation of workshop discussions – rapporteurs
Panel 1: How can further research support the implementation of policy recommendations? (Prof. Mika Risku JYU, Dr. Peter Kelly EERA, Lana Jurko NEPC, Sandra Haugas Praxis, Hellen Janssen AEDE, Prof. Amélia Lopes UPorto) moderated by Petra van Haren (ESHA)
16.30-17.00 Coffee break
17.00-18.00 Discussing workshop results and the way forward
Panel 2: How can the implementation of the policy recommendations be achieved? (Tapio Saavala, Policy Officer, European Commission DG EAC Schools and Multilingualism, Marta Carnicero, counselor at digital culture section, Department of Education, Generalitat de Catalunya, Chris Hill, President of ESHA, Susan Flocken European Director of ETUCE, Daniel Wisniewski, Secretary General EFEE) moderated by Fred Verboon (ESHA)
Presentation of the European Commission’s new education strategy – Tapio Saavala, European Commission
Closing of the conference – UAB Prof. Miquel Angel Essomba and ESHA Eszter Salamon
18.00-19.00 EEPN Network Members session – Discussion of the Year 3 workplan and budget
19.00 Reception for conference attendants by the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative